God’s heart is for you, He loves you!

Jesus loves the lost, His heart breaks for the lost, we are all lost without Jesus. We need him. Ask him in to your heart today? Call upon his name. For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Are you hurting? Do you know that Jesus binds up the broken hearted and heals all your wounds? Did you know that He loves you so much that He died for you? Do you need to find rest for your soul? Come running to Him. He’s waiting…





Michelle was born in Taree NSW, in 1979. Growing up singing, she played in various musicals, sang in school choirs and Eisteddfods. Her greatest heart passion was singing in church, using her gift to bless people. She started worship leading in church in her teens. In 1999 she moved to Brisbane to study at Citipointe Bible College, where she was involved in church productions and worship leading. Michelle recorded her first album called Pure Heart (Michelle Kahnt on iTunes and Spotify). These songs were birthed from a burn-out season where songwriting helped Michelle heal and connect with Jesus. After meeting her husband during Bible College Michelle moved to the Gold Coast to study a Bachelor of Popular Music (2003). She then pursued a Grad Dip Ed at Griffith University studying Music and Art Education and then went on to teach music with Education QLD Primary Schools. While teaching, Michelle continued volunteering in the church worship team at Hope Church leading the vocal team. Years later in 2017, Michelle received a prophesy from a beautiful lady who attended Genesis Christian Church. She simply prophesied that there was something big coming at the end of 2017, little did she know it would be her 2nd album. Michelle attended a worship conference with HopeUC July 2017 and upon hearing Darlene Zschech preach, Michelle’s heart began to come to life and she realised that the song of her heart had been drowned out by the cares of this life! Returning home in August 2017, there was another good friend named Deborah who had a dream about an album to be birthed. Michelle put pen to paper and could not stop the ideas from flowing, God began to pour out the songs, there was no other agenda but spending time with Jesus. The songs could not be silenced and what poured out of Michelle was like a free flow from Heaven. Some of the songs were also birthed through sitting under the deep teaching of the Word at Liberti Church Carrara, a Reformed/Charismatic Church. In November 2017 Michelle and Tracey Whyte (Backing Vocalist) travelled to Sydney to record the vocals. This trip sparked evangelism on public transport. The Lord opened many opportunities to pray and talk to people about Jesus.


The album Saturate Me has a focus throughout of hearing God’s heart for the lost and the closeness of the Father’s whisper of love to His children. An anthem of change for the Body of Christ – a reminder to return to our first love and His love for the lost – the heart of the album is to erupt evangelism. It is a reminder that this life is not our own, but an expression of Christ’s finished work on the Cross. Go into all the world and preach the gospel. That the world would know Jesus! That God would pour out His mercy on the broken and hurting land we live in! That we as His children will hear the Sovereign heart of God and will pray without ceasing to see people come home to the arms of Jesus. The sweet and soulful tracks draw us in and bring us back to God’s original design for us – to know Him and love Him and make Him known. Running into the arms of God and then running with His purpose and His passion, Saturate Me resonates with the soul of every child of God who wants to embrace an anthem of praise about their One True Love. It is also a tender invitation to those who don’t know Christ; to come, sit, soak and get to know the goodness of our God. The deep longings of our heart reach out to the deep deep love of the Father as He cries: Sit with Me. Rest in Me. Soak in Me, hear My heart’s cry, My Love for you and My Love for the lost… Will you come to Me? Will you come to Me and let Me fill you with My Love, a love that fills you to overflowing until you can’t help but give it away?

Many songs were inspired through a gospel awakening at Liberti Church, Carrara. During one of the services Michelle had a vision of Jesus in which she was raining down her tears and washing His feet. At the time she had a lot of fear in her life, the fear of man and realised through this vision that she had idolised some people above God. She recognised her sin and started to wash Jesus’ feet in the vision. The song I Have Decided was birthed from this experience as it was a brand new start, a gospel awakening and a work of God’s grace in her life. When the Holy Spirit comes He brings repentance and glory to Jesus. This song also has the bridge from Hillsong Christ Is Enough as this was one of the songs that was played often at Liberti. She had decided to follow Jesus and not man! The song Slain For Me was inspired by a sermon by Adam Ramsey (Liberti), namely the bridge lyrics ‘Oh the stone that the builders rejected is the stone that holds the earth’ and the hymn Holy Spirit Sovereign God was inspired by his sermon, which was quite out of the ordinary for Michelle to write a hymn as she had strong Pentecostal roots. However the new season at Liberti Church aligned with her album creation and she embraced the opportunity to immerse herself in joyful hymns and a variety of deep gospel centred worship songs. Ephesians 5:19: “Speak to each other with Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.” The title track for Saturate Me was birthed from a desire to see the healing river of God pour out over the land. Ezekiel 47 and Revelation 22 speaks of the river of God from the throne room bringing healing to the nations, and Michelle’s passion is to see the gospel going forth… May we be immersed in that river of God’s love and healing! Track 10 Jesus Sleeping was also birthed from a sermon by Sam Swalding. It portrays the story of Jesus and the storm from Luke 8:24. Jesus is held safe in the arms of His Father, not afraid, at peace and at rest, and so should we be through the storms of our lives. The song depicts Michelle in the boat feeling swamped in her anxiety, just like the disciples in the boat. But then they look at Jesus and are enamoured by His peace. This song is a reminder that Jesus is Lord and Sovereign over the anxiety and storms of life. Even when one still experiences anxiety Jesus is still Lord. The song was added to the album after her 4 year old son asked for the story when he would normally be sleeping. This was the following night after the 10 tracks had already been chosen for the album. It truly was a miracle addition to add the song Jesus Sleeping as the funds were not available. Michelle’s brother decided to pay for the extra song. Another confirmation came through her son asking for ‘the Lost sheep’ story. This story sparked inspiration for the album also. Her passion was to lean into the Fathers heart to hear his heart for the lost.

The songs Heart Cry, Heart Breaks and May I Capture all express God’s heart for the lost! Michelle has seen a vision of Jesus holding people through their pain and He would not only hold them through the pain but He felt the pain too on the Cross. The end tag of song Heart Breaks leads us to ponder the Cross as Jesus bears the scars on His hands that heal us and free us! May it all come back to the Cross as the gospel is the power of God unto salvation!
When God opens a door no man can shut the door!